uPVC-aluminium windows
UPVC-aluminium - the perfect combination
Although white uPVC windows are still popular, many customers these days are looking for more flexibility and uPVC-aluminium composite windows are the perfect solution. The powder-coated aluminium cladding on the outside of the uPVC-aluminium window is maintenance-free and available in many colours and surface options, with the current trend being dark grey, stainless steel or metallic colours. The demand for more neutral beige and brown tones in addition to the numerous grey tones for aluminium composite windows is also on the rise.
Further to a wide range of colours and design styles of the UPVC-aluminium windows, we can also offer you technical highlights such as I-tec ventilation. This ventilation can be fitted directly into the uPVC-aluminium window frame of KF 410 or KV 440. You can control how strong the ventilation should be and how often it should be switched on - and this individually for each uPVC-aluminium window, therefore controlling the climate in each room. Further information about I-tec Ventilation can be found under: ventilation for living area.
The triple-glazed uPVC-aluminium windows provide exceptionally high performance, with U-values as low as 0.62 W/(m2K) and noise reduction as high as 47 dB. The more recent KF 520 and new KF 510 also include the patented I-tec Secure locking system, which makes the windows virtually burglary proof.
uPVC-aluminium windows
At Internorm, we manufacture uPVC-aluminium windows to your required sizes, options and individual requirements. You can choose the window size, colour, hardware, handles, security options, design styles, as well as shading and fly screen options. In addition to turn, turn-tilt or tilt windows, our products are also available as fixed glazing, balcony door, patio door or large-scale glazing. We also offer sliding windows or sliding doors, as well as large lift & slide doors in uPVC-aluminium.
Our high performance uPVC-aluminium windows are burglary-proof and feature excellent thermal insulation and noise reduction. Our high-quality manufacturing focuses on the smallest detail to ensure consistent quality and performance.
KV 440

Thermal insulation in W/(m²K)
Uw up to 0,64 -
Sound reduction in dB
up to 39 - 45 -
up to RCÂ 2

Thermal insulation in W/(m²K)
Uw up to 0,64 -
Sound reduction in dB
up to 39 - 45 -
up to RCÂ 2

Thermal insulation in W/(m²K)
Uw up to 0,64 -
Sound reduction in dB
up to 39 - 45 -
up to RCÂ 2
KV 350

Thermal insulation in W/(m²K)
Uw up to 0,79 -
Sound reduction in dB
up to 38 - 44 -
up to RCÂ 2

Thermal insulation in W/(m²K)
Uw up to 0,79 -
Sound reduction in dB
up to 38 - 44 -
up to RCÂ 2
KF 520

Thermal insulation in W/(m²K)
Uw up to 0,63 -
Sound reduction in dB
up to 33 - 46 -
up to RCÂ 3
KF 410

Thermal insulation in W/(m²K)
Uw up to 0,62 -
Sound reduction in dB
up to 34 - 47 -
up to RCÂ 2

Thermal insulation in W/(m²K)
Uw up to 0,62 -
Sound reduction in dB
up to 34 - 47 -
up to RCÂ 2

Thermal insulation in W/(m²K)
Uw up to 0,62 -
Sound reduction in dB
up to 34 - 47 -
up to RCÂ 2
KF 410

Thermal insulation in W/(m²K)
Uw up to 0,62 -
Sound reduction in dB
up to 34 - 47 -
up to RCÂ 2
KF 320

Thermal insulation in W/(m²K)
Uw up to 0,65 -
Sound reduction in dB
up to 34 - 45 -
up to RCÂ 2
KF 310

Thermal insulation in W/(m²K)
Uw up to 0,69 -
Sound reduction in dB
up to 33 - 45 -
up to RCÂ 2

Thermal insulation in W/(m²K)
Uw up to 0,69 -
Sound reduction in dB
up to 33 - 45 -
up to RCÂ 2

Thermal insulation in W/(m²K)
Uw up to 0,69 -
Sound reduction in dB
up to 33 - 45 -
up to RCÂ 2